'Package from your heart': we're in!

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'Pakje van je hart' is an action of radio station JOE and the non-profit organization Kindergeluk. They ensure that children from families in Chance poverty can also get (choose) a Christmas present.

We donate 10% of our shop sales in December!

In the month of December, our webshop is running overtime: our gift certificates for a helicopter flight are an ideal and original gift.

To support the 'Pakje van je hart' action, we will donate an amount equal to 10% of our webshop sales in December 2023 to the action!

So, are you looking for an original gift, definitely consider a helicopter flight. The recipient will be super happy with it AND you also support charity.

Learn more about "Package from Your Heart.

Website 'Package from your heart' on JOE: https://pakjevanjehart.joe.be/
Website vzw Kindergeluk: https://www.kindergeluk.be/

Need inspiration for Christmas gifts?